Client Case Studies

River Run Foods' Proven Track Record
Of Helping Customers Like You.

Customer "R"

A Leading
Pasta Sauce Brand

A National Premium Pasta Sauce brand found itself with a good problem, several television and newspaper reviews tripled their demand practically overnight.

They were in jeopardy of losing their brand's momentum as the current packer couldn't keep up with the increased demand. After starting and failing at the three other packers across the US, they came to River Run Foods and within a year we helped this customer triple its sales by meeting their line production quantities.

Learn How We Can Help Your Brand

Customer "G"

An Established
Canned Vegetable Brand

A National Canned Vegetable brand, sucessful for almost 100 years, was seeing its market share drop.

This customer producing canned food was losing its market share in an ever-shrinking and highly competitive grocery market. They had all but resigned themselves to the realization that they were managing an aging brand that couldn't adapt to the recent shifts in consumer trends. River Run Foods worked with them to relaunch their product lines as a Tetra Recart program.

Sales immediately jumped 14% as a result of moving to our new Tetra Recart technology. Within 3 months the brand was alive and thriving, back on track to improve sales in 2020 by 40%.

Customer "M"

An Innovator In
Upcycled Foods

A food service innovator, wanting to upcycle vegetable scraps left over from industrial food prep, approached River Run Foods with the goal of turning these scraps into a sellable and sustainable soup.

The two companies worked closely to research and develop what initially seemed like an impossible task. We were eventually successful in producing a delicious, sustainable, upcycled soup using our new Tetra Recart technology to create a market-viable product line. These soups have grown so much in popularity that they sell out as fast as we can produce them.

Acheive Your Goals Working With Us

We Are Uncanny.
We Excel In Our Industry
So That You Can Succeed In Yours.

As a food pack provider, we have vast experience working in the following industries.

Food Packing Services
That Help Customers Grow.

Our Commitment to quality is unmatched.

Certified Process

Inovation through custom recipes, tailored to your companies growth. HACCP - USDA - FDA certified with reliable delivery.

Product Samples

High Acid Glass Foods, Gourmet Sauces, Condiments, we can supply you with what you need to move the ball.

Manufacturing Logistics

High-speed filling, custom formulated, liquid or viscous, we help make it happen.

Start now! Your big opportunity may be right around the corner!

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